Monday, November 30, 2015

Collection for Operation Give Back Holiday StoreJohnson's Baby
Please consider helping the Operation Give Back Holiday Store with a donation of baby items. Maple Dale Staff and Families are asked to donate:
  • Baby Care Items
  • Diapers
  • New or Gently Used Baby Clothes
A collection bin is located near the main door of our school, under the “Stars of the Week” display board.

The Holiday Store is a tremendous help to needy families in our community. Your donation will be greatly appreciated.
Conflict Resolution: A Critical Life SkillBike, Children, Cycling

Growing up in rural Coshocton County,  I was so fortunate to have my grandparents nearby; to learn and grow from their wisdom. My Grandfather Hoy, a United Methodist minister, was a tremendous influence on my life. His practical wisdom still has a profound impact on the things I say and do. One of his favorite sayings was, “Human beings need to learn to disagree agreeably.” How true that is today in a world that is filled with conflict and stress.

I believe we need to teach our children the skill of “disagreeing agreeably” even when they are facing “elementary-sized” conflicts. Now is the time to help young learners develop a sense of control over their reactions and provide strategies that will help them feel empowered.

I asked the Maple Dale teachers to provide some practical “tips” for helping children learn to resolve conflicts in a mutually agreeable way. Here is Maple Dale’s list of “Top Ten Strategies” to help kids resolve conflicts agreeably.

10. An adult picks a number written on a popsicle stick from a can. Have the two children in conflict pick a number between one and ten. The adult rolls a dice and reveals who was closest to the “magic number”. The child closest to the roll on the dice gets to choose the game or activity.

9. Two children have a meeting in “thinking chairs” to talk through a conflict issue. When resolved, the students report back to the adult what the decision was. If they still need help resolving the conflict, the adult can offer some guiding questions to prompt them as they return to the thinking chairs.

8. Actively teach the STALL method--Stop, Take turns, Accept, Listen and (show) Love.

7. Put letters in a basket. Each student picks a letter. The student with the letter closest to the beginning letter in their first name goes first and gets to tell their side of the story first. After both sides have been heard, the students pick a solution together and report it to the adult.

6. Have two students write about the conflict and their feelings in a Writer’s Journal entry. Take the time to read these to each other and practice active listening. When done, each child again writes about how talking it out solved the problem.

5. Teach children that we are responsible for what we say and do. Use Morning Meeting time each day to affirm one another with positive messages. Building a bank of positive messages helps kids feel important and valued.

4. Adults actively model the power of compromise. Children notice how we treat adults.  Model what a good compromise looks like and talk with your child about how it feels to compromise.

3. Play board games! They are a great way to model taking turns, being honest, being a good sport and being a gracious winner.

2. Help children use “I messages” when talking. “I felt happy when you chose me for the game.”
“I felt sad when you did not want to play with me.” Often children act on feelings and are not able to articulate them. Using words helps other children understand what may be causing the conflict.

1. Actively practice listening and responding by taking turns in conversations. Help children understand why it is important to see the other person’s point-of-view.

Thank you to the Maple Dale staff for their thoughtful approaches to teaching conflict resolution!

Thank You!


Winton Hills Academy staff and students THANK YOU for your generous donations of Halloween candy and gently used gloves, coats, and hats.  We had a ton of donations, and everyone was very appreciative when the items were delivered!


Operation Give Back


Again this year, we are collecting items this month for Operation Give Back.  This worthy program helps the needy children in our school district.  They provide after school tutoring and mentoring, as well as helping develop life skills and enable self-sufficiency for older kids.  Please send in toiletry items, new toys (unwrapped), and new books to help stock their Community Holiday Store.  Items will need to be sent into school by next Thursday, December 10th.

Playground and Gym Equipment Update!

Thanks to the generosity of our parents during this year's Walkathon fundraiser, the PTO has bought a bunch of new playground equipment, which will be arriving this week!  Ask your kids if they've checked out the new items! 
**8 new scooters
**New Tetherballs
**24 hula hoops
**10 stilts
**10 Chinese jump ropes
**8 Skip It
**36 Swing ball sets
**15 Balance boards
**1 storage bin for outdoors with a lock, to house the new equipment
For our gym, Mr. Chaney is replacing the very much run down safety mats for the climbing wall. 

Thanks so much for your generosity!!

No PTO meeting this week!

There is NO PTO meeting this week!  The district calendar has a meeting incorrectly listed for this Thursday.  Our next PTO meeting will be January 14th.

GEAR Coffee Presentation

Here is a link to the GEAR Coffee presentation last week for those interested who couldn't make it.

Please click and proceed through the slides.  You will find a wealth of information about current standards, resources you can use at home, good research practices, tips to pick books for your child, a few words about Lexile, and more!!  


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The First- Annual Magical Moon Jamboree
and the moon week | by Luz
On Friday, November 20th, Science Subject Leaders from the four elementary schools will present the first-annual “Magical Moon Jamboree” at the Nature Trail at Symmes. This free family event is open to all Kindergarten students in the district. Activities will include viewing the moon through telescopes, taking a night hike on the trail and listening to a moon story under the stars in the Reading Garden.

The party will begin at 6:30 p.m. on the playground of Symmes Elementary and will last approximately one hour.  Participants are asked to bring flashlights for the night hike, wear comfortable shoes and all children must be supervised by a family member at all times.

A big “Thank you” to the Sycamore High School Astronomy students and their teacher, Mr. Chad Husting, for helping with the telescopes. And thank you to Symmes Elementary for hosting this fun event!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Maple Dale Girls on the Run Club

The Maple Dale Chapter of Girls on the Run recently made blankets for Children's Hospital. 

Here is what the girls said about the project: 

"We put all of our love into these blankets." -Elizabeth
"I hope you feel warm, loved, and cared for." -Kaitlin
"We love you and your family." -Lilly
"I love helping people feel better." -Evja
"I hope you know you are not alone." -Maya
"Be strong and powerful." -Maddy
"Miracles happen." - Carly
"I think you're wonderful!" -Kacy
"You are loved, and I want you to know that." -Libby
"I hope these blankets keep you warm." -Anya
"I think you are brave." -Evelyn
"When I made this blanket, I felt so so happy! - Sophia
"I made these because I love you." -Rachel
Principal’s Report
Maple Dale PTO Meeting
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thank you PTO for the wonderful Walk-a-Thon!
Thanks to you, we will enjoy many new things for our playground, our classrooms and our students!

COSI is tomorrow! The traveling exhibit from the Center of Science and Industry will be here tomorrow thanks to the full contribution from the Maple Dale PTO that funds this interactive science experience for our students! The program this year is: Weather!

Collections for Veteran’s Day and Winton Hills Academy---Thanks to the Maple Dale Families for your generosity in supporting these donations for our troops and sister school!

We salute...Staff members Brian Osborn, Psychologist, and Mike Lawson, Custodian, for their military service! Brian served 10 years in the Army and Mike served 12 years in the Army.

Upcoming Events:

Friday, November 20: “Magical Moon Jamboree” for all Kindergarten students in the district and their families, 6:30-7:30 p.m. They Nature Trail at Symmes. See the moon through telescopes, take a night hike on the trail and listen to a moon story under the stars in the reading garden. Fun for the entire family!

Nov. 23rd and 24th: The 3rd grade students will be rehearsing on the stage for the first time to get ready for the winter performance. They are working so hard and really trying to get the flow of the show!

December 1 and 2: Third Grade Reading OAA Testing
Week of December 7-11: CoGAT Testing for all Second Grade Students
Saturday, December 5th: CoGAT testing for students in the district in grades K-1, 3 and 4: By parent nomination, Contact Mrs. Reinke or Mrs. Zellner.

December 8th: The Sycamore Junior High Show Choir under the direction of Jesse Callahan, will be here to perform a holiday showcase for our students beginning at 9:30 a.m. All afternoon Kindergarten students are invited to attend with their parents.

December 9th: 10:00, 2:30 and 7:00 p.m. Parents are invited to each performance!
3rd Grade Musical Performance, “The Abominable Snow Teacher”by Lisa Tassen

Special Appearance of the Third Grade Singers: The Sycamore Board of Education Meeting, Wednesday night, December 16th, Edwin H. Greene Intermediate School
The children, Mr. Brooks, and the Fine Arts Staff will present a musical tribute, “Thankful” to Mr. Kenneth Richter, retiring member of the Board of Education.

Check out the “State of the District Address” by clicking on this link:

Monday, November 9, 2015

Portraits, Kids, Children,

Some Tips for Parents after Parent-Teacher Conferences

Mr. Brooks  and I often see parents coming from their scheduled parent-teacher conferences and ask, “So, how did your conference go?” We enjoy hearing about your child’s accomplishments and love of school. Often, you tell us how pleased you are with the class and teacher. Sometimes, we hear that the conference was difficult, but that the teacher handled it with honesty and support. Sometimes, the conference begins the process of investigating a concern more closely.

I know that when my husband Steve and I attended our conference for our daughter Caroline this past week, we both ended up crying joyful tears when we heard how she often show kindness to others! So close below the surface are the emotions we all have when it comes to our children!

We observe that in each conversation that happens between parents and teachers, a bond is forged that supports our youngest learners. Here are some tips that you may not have thought about as you reflect on your conference and what to do next:

  1. Make a plan. Write down the things that you and the teacher will each do to support your child. You can do this during the conference or after. Write down what you will do, when, and how often. Make plans to check in with the teacher in the coming months.

  1. Schedule another time to talk. Communication should go both ways. Ask how you can contact the teacher. And don’t forget to ask how the teacher will contact you too. There are many ways to communicate—in person, by phone, notes, email. Make a plan that works for both of you. Be sure to schedule at least one more time to talk in the next few months.

  1. Talk to your child. The parent–teacher conference is all about your child, so don’t forget to include him or her. Share with your child what you learned. Show him or her how you will help with learning at home. Ask for his or her suggestions. Remember the phrase, “Nothing about me without me.” Empowering your child to be involved in their own learning through goal-setting is a catalyst for achievement.

Adapted from: The Harvard Family Research Project, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Volunteers needed for COSI on Friday, November 13th!

On November 13th, COSI on Wheels will be coming to Maple Dale. This year's program is Current Conditions, and the kids will be learning all about the weather! We need your help to run this program and this is a great opportunity to interact with your child! 
We still need several volunteers for the morning session (8:30-12:30)! This includes a training session from 8:30-9:15 in which the COSI instructor will explain all that you need to know to help the kids during their hands-on session. The classes that will be participating in the morning session are: Cooks, Thiel, Mathews, Howard AM, Carey, Hayes, Hoffman, Joyner & Bates. 
You can use the following link to the sign-up genius to get more information about the day and to sign up to help during one of the sessions. If you have any questions please contact Courtney Simon at

After School Enrichment Chair Needed!!

Last chance! - We are still looking for a Chairperson for the After School Enrichment program this winter.  We have chairs for the registration and the volunteer coordinator positions.  The chairperson for ASE will line up the teachers of the programs (many are returning from last year), determine which classes will be held where, and will need to be at school each week from approximately 3-5:30 for the 6 weeks that ASE runs.  If we have no chairperson in place for this program by November 23rd, this popular program will not happen this year.

Spirit Wear still available

Spirit Wear items are still available for purchase! Limited styles, quantities and sizes available.  Do not miss out and place your order before they sell out!
This is the last chance this school year!

10 Youth Moisture Wicking Poly Camohex Tees in Lime Shock (picture above) -size large-$15.00

1 girls spun cotton tee in neon pink with pink glitter "Sycamore" across the front-size large-$14.00

1 Ladies-Poly/Posicharge Colorblock Polo in Pink Raspberry/Grey-size medium-$28.00

1 Adult Moisture Wicking Colorblock Polo in Vintage Heather/Forest Green-size large-$28.00

1 Adult Moisture Wicking Poly Colorblock Tee in Vintage Heather/ Lime Shock-size large-$16.00

1 Adult Moisture Wicking Poly Tee in Kelley Green-size small-$15.00

1 Adult Moisture Wicking Poly Colorblock Long Sleeve in Vintage Heather/Lime Shock-size medium-$18.00

1 Adult Stretch Moisture Wicking Colorblock 1/2 Zip Pullover in Charcoal Grey/Lime-$39.00

Please contact Blanche Michitti with any questions or to place your order at or 513-490-5423.  Please make checks payable to Maple Dale PTO ( please do not submit payment until you receive confirmation that your item(s) is still available).

PTO Meeting November 12 at 9:30 AM

Join us this Thursday morning for a short PTO meeting.  Diane Adamec and Jean Staubach from our Sycamore District School Board will speak for approximately 15 minutes.  Plus, we'll have reports from Mr. Brooks and our Maple Dale PTO board members.  Babysitting will be provided.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The nurse's office is in need of lightly used girls and boys pants sizes 6-8. We prefer the kind with elastic waist band over jeans.  Please wash and return in a timely manner any clothes use by your children from the nurse's office stock. This will ensure a readily available change of clothes in the nurse's office,


Julie Muskal, RN, BSN, MEd.
Maple Dale School Nurse

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


All 2nd graders will take the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) the week of December 7, 2015, during the school day. For those students in the other grades, you may request that your child participate in this round of testing. This is in accordance with HB 282, which requires that school districts provide two opportunities for testing to identify students as gifted. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCORES ON KINDERGARTEN and FIRST GRADE TESTS WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION FOR PULL-OUT GIFTED SERVICES.

Parents of 2nd graders do NOT need to request testing since it is an automatic process. However, if your child is not in 2nd grade and you would like to have your child participate in the December administration of the CogAT, use the below link to request testing. In order to decrease disruption to your child's instruction, this testing opportunity will take place on Saturday, December 5, at Maple Dale Elementary from 9:00 until 11:30.  Please note that it is the parents' responsibility to provide transportation to and from Maple Dale.

From: Mrs. Ann Marie Reinke, Maple Dale Assistant Principal

Emergency Evacuation Drill Held Today, November 3, 2015

Today, your child participated in an emergency evacuation drill at 2:00 p.m. Teachers took their students in fire drill formation to the back entrance of the Edwin H. Greene Intermediate School, our evacuation destination. We did not proceed to enter the school as this was only a drill. In the event of a real emergency, EHG will serve as our evacuation destination and re-unification site.

Blue Ash and Montgomery Police were present to ensure that the students and staff could safely walk down the public residential streets involved. Members of our school's Medical Emergency Response Team and David Foster, our district's Maintenance Director were on hand to lend assistance during the drill.

We emphasized to our students that this was not a real emergency. We asked them to remain calm and quiet as they listened to the instructions from their teacher. The students listened carefully and behaved beautifully during the drill.

We are pleased with the results of the drill, as all students were accounted for and arrived at the destination in a short amount of time. We are delighted that our careful planning and preparation moved nearly 540 students and staff out of the building and to the evacuation destination in an orderly and safe manner in under 15 minutes.

Should you have any questions about today's drill, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Brooks or Mrs. Reinke at 686-1720.

Monday, November 2, 2015


A pop culture phenomenon comes to the musical stage!

The Emmy Award-winning 1970s Saturday morning cartoon series that taught history, grammar, math, science and politics through clever, tuneful songs is not only making a small-screen comeback, instructing a whole new generation with tunes like "Conjunction Junction" and "Just a Bill", it’s lighting up stages everywhere, including our own SYCAMORE JUNIOR HIGH!  
When:  Thursday and Friday, November 12 & 13 @  7:00 pm  (approx 60 min run time)
Where:  Sycamore Junior High School Auditorium, 5757 Cooper Rd.;  513-686-1760
Tickets:  $10 each.  Purchase at lunch at SJH Nov 10-13 or at the door the nights of the performances beginning at 6pm.  General Admission.   Doors open at 6:30 pm.


 Maple Dale walked it and rocked it!

A big THANK YOU to all of our student walkers/fundraisers and their families, friends & neighbors! By all accounts, last week’s walkathon was a huge success!  We had fantastic weather, got a little exercise, and had a lot of fun... And we exceeded our fundraising goal – collecting a grand total of just over $19,000!!! (to purchase new P.E. equipment, computers, playground equipment, and support many of the PTO programs run throughout the year).  Thanks also to the Maple Dale faculty, staff and administration for their tremendous support and to the many parents who volunteered their time and talent to make the walkathon happen.