Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Fun, Friendly Walkathon on a Gorgeous October Day

Congrats to the Maple Dale community on a successful Walkathon!  We met the goal of $7,000, and raised over $11,000. Soon, new library bound books will be in the hands of our students! 

Since we met our goal, Mr. Brooks will be in the 2nd annual.... Obstacle Course Spectacle with the top student earners.

Thanks to all the diligent work of Christy Banke, who has run this fun event for 4 years, and her team of over 40 parents. Most of all, a big THANKS to ALL our Maple Dale students who show us such excitement to learn, to be active, and to support their school!

All the students, including preschoolers, participated in the walk.   Many wore their new, bright green Maple Dale t-shirts, and were very happy about them. The students, teachers, and administrators walked, ran, and danced their way around the walking track that is on the playground.  Even the Sycamore Superintendent, Adrienne James, joined the MD Walkathon.