Tuesday, March 3, 2015

PTO Meeting Minutes February 2015

PTO Meeting Minutes 2/9/15
Call to order at 9:33am by Kassi Eckert
Pledge of the Allegiance lead by Kassi Eckert
Ben Schneider- Music Teacher
Mr. Schneider’s philosophy of teaching is basic- create a life of learning (singing, dancing, creating, improvising). He inspires and challenges students and allows them to lead the class. Kindergarteners learn the fundamentals- steady beat, xylophones, Orff instruments, add music to popular books. 1st graders improvise with Orff instruments to famous nursery rhymes and add movement and creative drama ‘mellow drama’. 2nd graders prepare for a performance in May themed ‘Honor America’. Each class will be reading poetry. 3rd graders did a winter performance which they created to the book The Snowman. They will be using recorders soon. To learn proper breathing they blew bubbles.  4th graders are preparing for an end of year performance themed ’Putting It Together’ focusing on building and creating. Each class will be spotlighted on Orff instruments and percussion while others add movement. Their performance will tell the story of 2 cities LEGO vs Mindcraft!
Nicole Smith- Media Specialist
Mrs. Smith shares her love of books and technology with our children. During the 35 minute class students learn to choose proper books on their own. “Just right rule”- hold up 5 fingers and read 1st paragraph on the 1st page. If they don’t know 5 words then book too hard. Maple Dale has access to Youtube, Teachertube Netflix Unitedstreaming. Students do not have access to Youtube, so no free searching. Students learn to take turns on iPads. This form of media has an academic purpose. Teachers try to stay modern and be relevant, we must embrace.  This is used as a hook to get the students interested and then connects to the curriculum.  Mrs. Smith reminds the students  about the ‘3 rings of responsibility’ self, family, community in regards to social media.

Students watched the book fair video and learned about money management and jobs to earn extra cash and good shopping tips. Every child wants to purchase something at the book fair so we need to provide less expensive items such as pencils, etc.

The new books purchased with $7,000 from Walkathon have arrived! To find out your child’s reading level ask them what basket they are reading in.

Our library collection is somewhat aged. Kids go for the newer books and what they see in stores. Currently Maple Dale has about 10,000 volumes. About 15% of books are not useful. Montgomery & Symmes have about 16,000 books yet we have 150 more kids enrolled. There is space for more books. Consider donating $ for a book. Nonfiction books are more expensive $20-$25 because they are bound but last longer. Paperbacks are not typically purchased. We need to update our early readers section. In Spring Mrs. Smith will host a birthday party for the library.

Technology: Mr. Brooks just returned from a conference in Columbus about technology. In the last few years, state is trying to get schools to teach everything! K-6 policy you may bring cell phone to school but it must stay in your bookbag and OFF. *They can no longer be used during indoor recess.
Montgomery Leadership Academy: toured Maple Dale and went to the interactive specials

Request for microwave: Line for microwave in staff lounge so requesting a 2nd. Does anyone have a microwave to donate?
Teacher grants: Remind teachers to take advantage of the $150 each classroom grant ($75 for specials). Can be used for classroom supplies. Teachers just need to turn in the PTO reimbursement form.

Family Skate Night: Record number in attendance 413(last year 330). Lots of new faces.
Carnival: Moving forward with planning. Carnival is Friday May 15th 5:30-8pm. Dawn Thaman is Chair. The few carnival supplies we have are in bad shape. This year decided to change the theme from Hawaiian to ‘Maple Dale Night at the Movies’(same theme as SHS prom so we can share decorations) Laura Davis is Chair of carnival decorations. Dawn has access to movie posters,etc as she’ s General Manager at Kenwood Theater. Since we now have 35% more students we will use the entire school and spread things out. Looking for someone to help with computer graphics. We are trying to limit amount of parent volunteering on carnival night so you can enjoy with children. Kari has purchased a 4 square so credit cards can be used.
*** We need to remind ourselves often that Maple Dale now had more students and more staff***
GAO Fundraiser: Our hope was that money earned from the Fall GAO fundraiser was enough for the PTO and for Principle’s Fund. We were $1400 short so there was not enough money to give to Principal’s fund. (In past the $2500 from cookie dough sales went to fund). The Principal’s fund needs about $5000. Money is used for computer, iPads, kids, staff, scholarships towards enrichment programs, pictures,EVERYTHING. Principal splits some purchases with the PTO.  Purchase orders do not need to be approved by the Board Office but the PTO does have a say how the money is spent. To add to the Principal’s Fund PTO will be selling 32 oz Thermoware tumblers for $15 each (profit $6). Graphics won’t wash off, dishwasher and microwave safe with a lid. Can get Pro sports (Reds), Collegiate Logos (OSU, Kentucky) and we are creating custom made Sycamore Aves. Kickoff of fundraiser will be week of book fair. Feb 22-27. Spring Fever!  Some tumblers will be available for purchase or order at Literacy Night, Carnival.  Details during 1 Book, 1 School assembly. For every tumbler sold, student earns a penguin.
PTO Presidents Council Updates: Meet every 3rd Thursday of the month at District Office. Share info back and forth. Sycamore has established the school calendar for the next 3 years, no more early release days! SHS is holding a career speaker program. Looking for adults to share.
March Guest Speaker- William Fritz, Director of technology

Outdoor Signage: Much is hidden about how ‘Green’ our new school is. We want to put up informational signage around the school about the geothermal wells, outdoor learning classroom, etc. Seeking someone with writing expertise.
Earth Week: April 20-24.  April 21st Earth Fair during recess. Will recycle juice boxes after Valentine’s parties. Need volunteer to remind students about composting during lunch.
After School Enrichment: Grown from 125 to 145 students. Dilemma- not as much space for the 8 classes. Need to begin thinking about future of program. Offer once or twice a year? What classes? Price? Size? Capacity limit?  If parent run activity then fee goes towards fundraising?
Book Swap: Friday April 24th Start saving gently used books. All students will get to choose a few ‘new’ books.
Discover Art: Still need volunteers for a few classrooms. Contact Suzanne Brown
Nominations : Committee is meeting today. Find your passion- scan front of directory for positions.

Book Fair: Under the Sea theme. Keep it all about books and learning but do raise a little money. Kids preview then make wish list. You can send money in envelope and can write specific request. Parents can shop 9:00am- 4:15pm Mon – Thu. Also open late hours for ASE and Literacy Night. Volunteers needed! Loose Change your dollar bills Incentive. Scholastic will match and money goes to library. Teachers love Scholastic points. Either teachers will provide wish list or PTO will provide teachers with gift certificate. Earnings from Book Fair will be converted to Scholastic money for teachers with smaller classroom libraries.
Kroger Plus card:  Enroll your Krogercard  and earn money for our school. Currently only 30 families participate but it still brings in $2000.  This could be a very simple and profitable fundraiser for our school. See newsletter how to enroll.
Pipkin’s: Give 4% back to Maple Dale. Send in your receipts (box in office or via kidmail)

Approval of January actual Financials: move by Brian Gath, approved by Heather Parynski

Staff Wellness Challenge: Staff is competing in a Marathon in a Month from Jan 20-Feb 20 within school and against other elementaries and District Office. Way to encourage physical activity during cold months.
Spring Session runs from Wed March 18th – May 20th.  Newsletter includes link to volunteer. The Flying Pig Marathon offers the 26th mile. Students log 25 miles up to the Flying Pig and walk/run the last mile on Sat May 2nd * see newsletter for details.

Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am by Kassi Eckert