Tuesday, April 7, 2015

PTO Reminders for Week of April 6, 2015


Thursday April 16th at 9:30 am with guest speaker Ann Marie Reinke,  Assistant Director of Academic Affairs. She will cover Compass Learning over the summer and next year's author visit. 

Book Swap – Friday, April 24th.
Attention K – 4thgrade families!  It’s time to start gathering up books that your kids no longer need for the Book Swap!  Please send in your books any day the week of April 13th.  Collection bags will be outside your child’s classroom door.  We typically collect fewer 4th grade-level books so you might want to check with friends and relatives to see if they have any books they no longer need.  Our goal is for each Maple Dale student to be able to choose a “new to them” book.  We also need some additional volunteers to help collect and sort books prior to the event .  Please contact Martha France m.france@fuse.net with questions or to volunteer for this totally fun event!

Reminder: Time to renew your Community Rewards with your Kroger Plus Card. Maple Dale Elementary must be renewed once a year, during the month of April. Simply follow the instructions detailed in the "Selecting an Organization" section to maintain or update Maple Dale as your chosen organization. 

click here for instructions  How to Enroll Your Kroger Card