Friday, August 28, 2015

Lunch News

If you are sending your child's lunch in with them rather than buying in the cafeteria, please make sure you include your own utensils and napkin for them to use.  Miss Georgia, our lunch manager, has indicated that there has been a large of number of "packers" using the cafeteria's utensils, which pulls money out of her cafeteria budget.   Thank you!

Lunch Bunch for Parents!

Join fellow Maple Dale parents of children in your grade at a casual lunch once per month!  Sign up to come, and you'll receive an evite reminder each month with time and location info. 
3rd graders:  3rd Friday of each month.  Contact Pam McCallen at
4th graders:  1st Friday of each month.  Contact Diane VanderBrink at

Is your child's grade not listed?  Form your own lunch bunch!   Write up a blog note and send it to Carrie Dippold at