Friday, April 8, 2016

Love Our Library Week! April 11-15

Displaying IMG_0172.JPGMonday: Mismatch Monday! a.k.a. Excessive Accessories Day. Dress like a toddler picked out your clothes! We will read fun stories that day about clothes and kids!
Tuesday: Time-Hop Tuesday! Were the 80s greaties? 90’s grunge? Poodle skirts in?
Peg those pants and we’ll celebrate books about our favorite “past time!”
Wednesday: Work-it Wednesday! Don’t dress for the job you have, dress for the one you want. Wear a tie, wear some scrubs...what do you want to be when you grow up?
Career day books are the talk of the day!
Thursday: “Chalk About Our Library” Day! Draw a book cover, make a read poster, or show off a favorite character.
*Special visit by Mr. Sam Bloom from the Blue Ash library.
Friday: NO SCHOOL? NO PROBLEM. Fun Friday! Visit Mr. Sam at the Blue Ash library today and see the amazing fun things the public library now offers! Enter your name in the prize box at the library. 10 winners will be chosen!

**I’d love some Family-Time Selfies! Take a picture in a place you like to read with your student(s) and their books and send it to

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