Thursday, January 22, 2015

PTO Meeting Minutes 1/15/15

PTO Meeting Minutes 1/15/15
Call to order at 9:35 am by Kassi Eckert
Pledge of the Allegiance lead by Kassi Eckert

GUEST SPEAKERS:  Topic- Why New Assessments
Karen Naber, Director of Academic Affairs & Anne Marie Reinke, Assistant Director of Academic Affairs *Please refer to  PTO Power Point Presentation on New Assessments

 There has been a significant transformation how teachers teach and how kids learn. Spurred by the adoption of the Common Core by the State of Ohio, Sycamore has been preparing teachers with tools for the past few years.  Math & English standards are new along with Science, Social Studies, Arts, PE, Music. There are now new assessments.  Sycamore has been revising curriculum maps, creating new structural patterns and resources to maintain excellence within our district. 

Why is there testing? We have to measure what we are expecting classroom teachers to teach. In past covered a lot of information but not deep. Common Core is more rigorous. Less topics but more focused. Common Core is a minimum set of guidelines, not a curriculum. District forms the curriculum. Fundamental skills: know, apply, communicate. Today the skills that businesses are looking for include problem solving, collaboration, communication, creativity, more reasoning. Businesses are saying kids are lacking critical thinking skills.

Now students are required to have a higher level of thinking.  Assessment tests today are not just remembering facts. Teachers are preparing students with a variety of content resources including MAP, Compass Learning, Math Trail Blazers, etc.

Next generation assessments have new technology that teachers are rapidly learning. Not only the hardware (iPads, ChromeBooks, Interwrite boards) but also new software. 

PARCC (Partnership Assessment Readiness of College &Career) will replace OAA (Ohio Achievement Assessment).  These are achievement tests at 1 point in time. PARCC is a problem- based assessment that will be given the end of February.  This year the district chose not to do all the assessments in one day.

With the new PARCC tests students must read deeply and show what they know. The questions are deeper and take longer to answer, often with several parts. (see document for examples) Students can receive partial credit. Students will need to develop perseverance. Students also need practice pacing. Knowing how much information is enough The new tests have less questions. Teachers feel good about the content but are worried about the technology skills needed such as drag&drop.  Students can utilize practice tests (unscored) or tools online at  

EYO (End of Year) tests are not as deep. Automatic scoring.
Guided Struggle- teachers/parents wait, listen, watch then give corrective instruction.

3rd grade:  just PARCC in Math this year. * Due to the 3rd grade Reading Guarantee, they took the OAA in Fall 2015. Ohio decided to use the OAA also this Spring 2015 to compare. Next school year will take PARCC in LA.
4th grade: both PARCC in Math and English/LA. Also the AIR in Social Studies which mirrors PARCC in format.  Testing over 10 days each testing session about 75 minutes total (average finish in 50 minutes).

MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing is a predictor. It desegregates data. Given over the course of a year to see growth. Currently MAP is given 3X/ year but considering changing. The district has to measure how we are doing but realizes need time for instruction. It’s all about balance. Mrs Reinke expects a reduction in testing.

PARCC & AIR, both computer based assessments,  are mandated by the state of Ohio. Richard Ross is the State Superintendent.

There is a new teacher evaluation system. They are held accountable in a different way. Now based on a Performance Rubric (how they teach) and data from assessments.

Reminder if your child is anxious, stressed with HW or tests please let teachers know.

Cold Weather:  Err on the side of safety. Dress kids warmly.
Snow Days: OH converted to hours of instruction, not days of instruction. Sycamore is way over so Blizzard Bags no longer necessary to make up extra snow days. Instead teachers will send home helpful activities not graded or pressured. Also we don’t have to make up lost days at end of school year.

One Book, One School:
Thank you PTO for providing the books to families
Library: Mrs. Smith purchased 445 new books with $7,000 raised from Walk-a-Thon. The library catalogue is a work in progress to support our now 550 students. With her budget from the school, she purchased additional bookshelves. 

Operation Give Back: Thank you for your donations! Maple Dale collected $2,   
Carnival: Kickoff meeting for all sub- chairs January 29th at 9:30am either at Maple Dale or Kassi’s home.
February Guest Speaker:  William Fritz, Director of Technology
Recycling Program:  Sycamore’s recycling program success was highlighted in the Green Umbrella’s monthly newsletter. Green Umbrella is a tri-state alliance of sustainability projects.

Green Team: Chair Anne Berg. Earth Week is April 20-24 with a 1 day fair on the playground on Tuesday April 21st. Volunteers needed. Volunteers also needed once a week during lunch to remind students about the recycling & composting procedure. (from 10 bags to only 3 bags of trash now! ). Juice boxes (not pouches) were recycled after the Winter parties. Due to a problem with Rumpke, Organics is now picking up our composting. Maple Dale won the Hamilton County Board of Health Clean Kitchen award! 
* Note Miss Georgia will be out from January 26th for 6 weeks recovering from knee surgery.
After School Enrichment: ASE packets will be send home Tuesday Jan 21. Turn in next day as limited spots. Also provide 2nd choice.
Book Swap:  Friday April 24th, final day of Earth Week. Save you old children’s books!
Discover Art: Volunteers needed to come in on a Fridays from 9:30-9:45am to share famous artwork during morning meeting. Descriptions provided.
Family Skate Night: Flyer sent home. Sunday February 8th from 4:30- 6:30pm
Looking forward to next school year. Check the Directory for Chair and PTO program opportunities. Share your passion!  Can contact Chair or PTO board with questions.

Book Fair:  Volunteers Needed. Week of February 23-27 to coincide with Literacy Night. Sneak Peek Friday Feb 20th with One Book, One School assembly. All profits will go directly to classroom teachers  to buy more books.


Vote to earn Scholastic cash instead of money from Book Fair: Scholastic Book $'s are worth twice as much as taking cash profit.  Proposal was made by the PTO Board to take scholastic dollars in lieu of cash.  The scholastic dollars will be used to purchase books for teachers' classrooms.   The 2014-2015 budget has the Scholastic Book Fair generating $1,000 of cash profits.  From an overall budget perspective it is OK if we do not get this cash as planned from the Book Fair because we began the school year with additional funds in the PTO account.  1st motion- Anjali Mathur 2nd motion- Preeti Parikh. Approved
Vote to Approve November & December Financials: 1st motion- Brian Gath, 2nd motion- Ann Scranton. Approved

Maple Dale PTO Facebook page: Reminder to request to join the private page where PTO will share information.
Wellness Committee: Offering a Marathon in a Month Employee Wellness Challenge Jan 20-February 20th.  Intra and Inter school.

Meeting adjourned at  11:20am by Kassi Eckert