Saturday, May 21, 2016

Chair Positions for next year - Volunteers still needed

There are still a few open chair positions for next year.  Please contact Kassi at if you are interested in any of these:
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Carnival Chair – This is our biggest fundraising project of the year.  You will manage the project, to make sure all the chairs have all the resources they need.    Manage the timeline, set meeting dates, work with school administration and PTO Board to make decisions and manage the project.  Jan-April
Carnival Bid and Buy – For the detail-oriented, you will organize all of our donations into baskets, make bid sheets, compile a promotional document with basket information.  A good job for a part-time working parent, or stay-at-home parent.   Most work will happen Feb-April.
Carnival Auction Solicitor – Solicit donations from companies around Cincinnati for the bid and buy.    Update an online spreadsheet with the information on companies you have contacted.  Jan-April
Carnival PR/Posters/advertising – Write articles for the blog about carnival needs, create posters/thank you’s to hang at carnival thanking donors, send thank you’s to donors after the event.  Feb-April
Carnival Great Gatherings – Write articles for blog + email parents soliciting great gathering hosts.  Work with hosts to determine date, time, cost, # of attendees.  Make display & bid sheets for great gatherings.  Feb-April
4th Grade Rep at Greene – Help recruit some 4th grade parent volunteers for the following school year at Greene.  Apr-May
Milers – A great spot for a parent who is excited about fitness!  You can be behind the scenes, helping organize volunteers or track kids’ miles on spreadsheets.  Or, help manage the whole process by co-chairing with Diane Vanderbrink.  All year.
Display Case – Keep the display cases updated with current event info or general decorations throughout the year.
Grounds/Seasonal Decorations – Keep the school looking fun by decorating the front doors and/or front walkway area throughout the year.
Book Swap - Organize the volunteers for this event where we collect used books from our students and then let them choose a "new to them" book.  May