Monday, May 9, 2016

Hamilton County Recycling - Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning
As you roll up your sleeves and look around your basement or garage, you may find items and materials you no longer need, but are not sure how to properly dispose of them.
Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District is here to help! We encourage you to visit our Recycling and Reuse Outlets webpage for an alphabetical list of places that will accept items for recycling, reuse or safe disposal. 
Motor OilThere are several businesses that will accept your used motor oil to be recycled.
Tires: You definitely don't want to leave old tires on your property - they are a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes and not to mention, an eyesore. Here is a list of places to recycle tires so the rubber can be reused. Your community may also collect tires or hold a tire event. Call your community for more information
Batteries: These little guys accumulate in drawers as people don't want to throw them away. Too many batteries can be a fire hazard. This link lists where you may recycle household batteries.
Fluorescent Tubes: These lights are very popular but may be difficult to dispose of. See this link for options.
Compact Fluorescent Lights: These "swirly top" light bulbs do contain a small amount of mercury and should not be thrown in the trash. 

Paper Shredding: Tax season is upon us; now is a good time to clean out your files and safely shred financial records and documents. Check out several one-day shred events or find locations that provide this service.
Electronics: If you have an old desktop computer or television collecting dust, there are several spring events that allow you to drop-off those and other electronics. Businesses that accept electronics year round are also listed on this page.
Pharmaceuticals: Many police stations around the county accept these at no charge and properly dispose of them. There are also one day events twice a year at various locations.
Clothing: If you have used clothes, shoes and other textiles, many local charitable organizations are happy to accept your donation. Goodwill locations accept ripped and stained clothing to be recycled into new products. 
Our website has a comprehensive list of Recycling and Reuse Outlets for more than just the above materials. Remember, one person's "trash" is another's treasure.
The District will not be holding a Household Hazardous Waste collection day in 2016. There are outlets for many of the items currently dropped off at our event, so we encourage you to look at the list on our website.

We'd love to see your recycling and reuse selfies. Post on Twitter, tag us @HamCoRecycling and use the hashtag #OnceIsNotEnoughReuse.
Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District, 250 William Howard Taft Road, First Floor, Cincinnati, OH 45219